Free Domains on all web hosting plans!


Who are we and why should you trust us? Hostingo is founded by a group of top software developers. It has been providing its corporate customers with the high level of support. Since we develop web-based software ourselves, we know your needs best. That's why we promise that instead of simple support staff, you will always be supported by professional developers who do their best.

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Hostingo The Cloud Technology

Technologies We Use

Technologies used are licensed and latest versions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the mission of Hostingo?

At Hostingo, our mission is to provide super fast and secure hosting services to our customers! We've got all the fancy features and advanced customer support you need. Don't worry if you're a beginner, we've got your back! We're here to help you find your footing and make sure you have a great hosting experience. So, let's dive in and get your website up and running!

How long has Hostingo been in the hosting industry?

Hostingo has been serving in the hosting industry for several years, establishing a strong presence and gaining valuable experience along the way.

What sets Hostingo apart from other hosting providers?

We provide both easy and advanced features to our customers considering what they want from their websites and we are doing all of them with the best offer you can ever get!

What types of businesses does Hostingo cater to?

Hostingo gives the best and fastest Hosting Services to its customers and different domain names.

Does Hostingo offer customized hosting solutions?

Don’t worry! Our customer service will pick the most suitable hosting plan for your needs.

What measures does Hostingo take to ensure data security?

At Hostingo, we take data security seriously! Hostingo prioritizes data security and implements various measures to ensure the protection of your information.

Can I rely on Hostingo for scalability as my business grows?

Absolutely! Hostingo is ready to support your business’s growth and scalability with flexible hosting plans and advanced features. You can easily upgrade your services to accommodate increased traffic and expanding needs.

How does Hostingo handle server maintenance and updates?

No worries! Hostingo has got your back when it comes to server maintenance and updates. They take care of all the behind-the-scenes stuff to keep everything running smoothly.

Does Hostingo offer any specialized hosting solutions or packages tailored to specific industries or website types?

We provide different hosting solutions and packages tailored to specific industries and website types just as we have different hosting plans for our individual customers!

How can I contact Hostingo's customer support team?

Hostingo offers excellent customer support, ready to help and assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. You can reach us from our contact page easily.

Contact With Us

Whether you are interested in working with or for us, we are always happy to chat.

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